The UK’s first rain garden kerb system ..

EDENKERB® from Marshalls is the first complete solution for integrating rain garden kerbs seamlessly into roadside schemes. By combining with Marshalls standard kerbs, it’s now possible to add this innovative Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) feature into projects simply and consistently, ensuring effective stormwater management and contributing to increased green space.

Comprising left and right-hand kerbs plus a flow-slowing diffuser flag, EDENKERB® enables precise detailing of the inlet feature of the rain garden. The kerb’s integrated gradient promotes water entry from street level while the textured flag moderates flow. This combination facilitates water filtration and absorption by the garden’s vegetation and soil, resulting in an effective and attractive nature-based SuDS solution that enhances the local environment.

To find out more about the Marshall EDENKERB® Click Here

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