Grass Paving and Vertical landscaping by Grass Concrete Ltd ..

Grass Paving and Vertical landscaping

Wakefield based Grass Concrete Ltd are best known for the grass paving brand Grasscrete, alongside a line-up of vertical landscaping products, the Betoconcept range.

These retaining walls combine noise reduction with attractive vertical landscaping, offering a real variety of planting options. The Betoconcept range brings different shapes and styles to accommodate planting on high or low walls with; Betoatlas, Betoflor, Betotitan, Leromur, Betojar, Betoplus and Betonap products.

With individual interlocking blocks and dry-build interconnectivity the range offers the ability to free-form wall layouts in single or terraced wall format. The finish offers a choice of plan table or stone finished faces, together with a range of colours.

To find out more about Grass Paving and Vertical landscaping by Grass Concrete, click here

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