Mikrofill offers the perfect professional solutions ..

At Mikrofill, part of the Stuart Turner Group of companies, we are proud to be able to give you information on three of our products all ready for your commercial applications.

Our Mikrofill 3 is the most advanced “direct type” pressurisation unit available, suitable for LPHW/CHW applications of any size. Unlike “pump type” pressurisation units the it is designed to be connected directly to a buildings incoming mains/boosted water supply and fill a heating or chilled water system without the use of a pump. It is the most energy efficient unit of its kind consuming as little as 10 watts/hr on standby and 30 watts/hr fully operational. Our hot water loading systems have been developed specifically to meet the demands of modern commercial buildings. The Extreme is a domestic hot water generator that combines the advantages of both an instantaneous hot water heater and a storage system, creating perfect harmony between a condensing boiler and a hot water cylinder.

To learn more on Stuart Turners Mikrofill 3 pressurised unit, click here.

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